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Unlocking the Power of Numbers: Mastering Computation and Financial Mathematics
Instructor: Akshar Education
Language: English
Student: 0
Certificate: Yes
Access: 49 days from day of enrolment
What you will learn:
1A Computation with integers
1B Decimal places and significant figures
1C Rational numbers
1D Computation with fractions
1E Ratios, rates and best buys
1F Computation with percentages and money
1G Percentage increase and decrease
1H Profits and discounts
1I Income
1J The PAYG income tax system
1K Simple interest
1L Compound interest and depreciation
1M Using a formula for compound interest and depreciation
A student compares, orders and calculates with integers, applying a range of strategies to aid computation.
A student operates with fractions, decimals and percentages.
A student solves financial problems involving earning, spending and investing money.
A student solves financial problems involving compound interest.
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